A Fun Summer Bucket List to Complete with Your Kids

Summertime is here again, which means some time away from the kids’ more structured school schedule. Your kids have been looking forward to a mental break, but you want to make sure that they’re not part of the summer slide statistic. So, why not create a summer bucket list together? This way you’re able to build memories as a family and sneak educational lessons in along the way.

Since you don’t want to wake up with one week of summer break remaining and still a lot of fun to fit in, you may want to attempt to accomplish one bucket list item a week. That way your open calendar has a little bit of organization, and you’re able to build memories consistently.


Help prepare a picnic: Spend valuable time with your family and friends! Plan a picnic where each person brings an item.


Watch a sunset: Everyone can appreciate the beauty of a sunset. Explain what determines the sky’s colors while you take in nature’s daily marvel.


Build a kite: Brighten up your summer with colors and discover your children’s creativity by seeing what kinds of kites they create.


Stargaze: The sky is one of nature’s most beautiful features, but we rarely take the time to appreciate it. Summertime is an excellent time of year to lay back and observe the night sky and teach your student about amazing space phenomena.


Get active: The benefits of physical activity are endless. Not only does exercise increase energy levels and increase serotonin in the brain, which can lead to improved mental clarity, it also helps relieve stress.


Learn something new: I know! I know! I said “sneak” educational lessons in, but whether you learn a lesson from a book you read and the character’s experiences, or learn what ice cream equations make a delicious recipe, make this item your own.


Try a new food: Teach your children valuable lessons while cooking in the kitchen. From family favorites to seasonal treats, there are plenty of delicious lessons to learn while filling up your tummies!


Celebrate! Did you know that there is literally a holiday every single day of the year? How cool! You can celebrate all kinds of bizarre, wacky, unique holidays, or you can celebrate the season of summer.


Use this cool printable checklist to make the most of your family’s summer. Just click on the image below to print it, then add your own fun activities. Or you can make your own list with these great ideas.


Make sure to share in the comments section what items you added and what lessons you learned, or share it on social media and tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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