Using Pinterest for Summer Learning Activity Ideas

If you’re like me, Pinterest can seem a bit overwhelming because of the perceived high expectations when it comes to how to dress perfectly, how to have the perfect wedding, and how to cook the perfect meal. But when it comes to keeping your kids engaged and learning over the summer, it suddenly becomes a whole lot more fun.

As the step-mom of a 7 year old girl, I can’t seem to stay away from it; it’s like a Google search of the creative world. A simple “summer activities for kids” search returns thousands of ideas.  I’ll admit, I wish I had a little more time and energy to actually follow through on 95% of these ideas (who doesn’t wish for more time and energy?), but I try to remind myself that I’m not striving for perfection. What I am striving for is a memorable summer.

Here are a few summer learning activities I found that look educational and fun, all of which can be found on our Summer Learning & Fun Pinterest board:

Educational Treasure Map

This activity takes me back because I used to love having treasure hunts! Have your child answer questions which lead them to the next clue and follow the map to hidden treasure.


via Mom It Forward

Summer Word Jar

Maintain literacy during the summer by putting new vocabulary words in a jar. Have your child pick a new one each day and use them in sentences throughout the day.

Increase kids vocabulary and summer literacy with a word jar.

via What Do We Do All Day?

Summer Reading Printables

Who doesn’t love free printables?  Keep your kiddos reading over the summer with these fun motivational tickets, coupons, and bingo cards.

 Free printable summer reading kit

via How Does She?

Remember, it doesn’t matter if  you pin hundreds of things and only do five of them. The goal isn’t Pinterest stress (which is apparently a real thing), it’s about learning to take a step back and enjoy that time with your child. How about we don’t get caught up in feeling like we have to do it all? Let’s learn a lesson from our kids this summer and take a break.

In the end, we’ll choose a few of the ideas Pinterest has placed so neatly in front of us and we’ll learn together along the way. I’ll mostly focus on being outside watching her ride her bike, hanging out at the pool, teaching her how to be a better swimmer, and putting a few math problems on her white board so she doesn’t forget her pluses and minuses. Before I know it, she’ll be back at school and I’ll be glad for the summer memories, sparked by Pinterest and otherwise.

This image has been modified from it’s original.  AForestFrolic via Flickr  / CC By CC0

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