Comic-Con is a place where fans and friends can gather and enjoy a common interest. Traditionally geared toward comics and graphic novels, Comic-Con has also grown to become a haven for movie buffs, TV gurus, and everything pop-culture related. It’s a chance for fans to meet their favorite celebrities or view and purchase the newest artworks from popular and local artists.
One of the largest subcultures of the Comic-Con world is cosplaying. Cosplay is a Japanese word that blends the English words “costumed” and “roleplay.” Different from traditional Halloween costumes, cosplayers often mimic the mannerisms and body language of the character they’re portraying. It goes beyond the outfit of the wearer.
An interesting outcome of cosplay is the way it allows people to express their individuality and show off their unique craftsmanship. It’s also a great way for parents and kids to bond. Many kids say they feel more confident after participating in a cosplay event and that they’re able to be who they want, without judgment. We recently attended Awesome Con, in Washington, D.C. and had the chance to ask kids what they love about cosplay. Hear their responses in this fun Learning Liftoff video, and see why you and your kids may want to attend one in your area.
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Who would you and your kids want to cosplay as? Let us know in the comments below!