2013 School Year: Overcoming a Late Start

While most students start off the school year with the school they will stay with through the year, many parents choose to switch schools after the school year has started. After the first couple of weeks in a brick-and-mortar school, you are seeing the curriculum, instruction, and environment of the school your child is attending. After that, you may have some life change that leads to switching to an online school.

My classroom has added 18 students since the beginning of the school year and they have been a great addition to class. In an effort to get them feeling comfortable with me as a teacher and with the online environment, I created a silly welcome video which you can see below. It outlines some of the things all students need to do in the cyber environment and it also addresses one of the concerns parents have who are choosing this environment: How can the teachers reach my student and show personality through cyber space?

[embedvideo id=”QUMEb4PpOkw?rel=0″ website=”youtube”]

If you’ve recently enrolled in a K12 school, thanks for joining us! We are excited to have your child in our classroom While it may be a little overwhelming when you first make the transition, know that the teachers and support staff are here to help, and we are so glad that your child has come into our classroom. I hope that you can all feel welcome and get to know your teachers, their personalities, and use the resources we have to meet your child’s needs in the best way possible.

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