Formal music education programs continue to diminish from public school systems. But parents can find other ways to incorporate what many believe is a crucial element of learning into their children’s daily lives. In fact, music can result in benefits that impact students’ academic progress. For example, evidence suggests math and language skills, listening, test scores and graduation rates can improve by way of what kids learn from music education.
Here are some ideas on how to make music education a priority for your child:
- Private music teachers or music ensembles within communities and churches offer good options for kids to reap the academic benefits of music education. For some, it could become a budding career: K12 student Stephanie Grace, who at age 16 has already released twelve country music songs, and K12 student Kalona Pence, who is a rising Christian music artist.
- Parents of younger students might consider supplemental learning programs, such as EmbarK¹², that incorporate music and other arts that offer important benefits for kids. There are also individual music activities preschoolers might enjoy.
- Many families pursue music on their own via jam nights and dance parties with an array of instruments on hand to try. Invite friends and neighbors!
- Consider participating in events that encourage sharing and showing off skills. K12 invites all young musicians in kindergarten through 12th grade to step up to the microphone and enter our 2nd Music Showcase now through July 31. Create and submit a video showcasing musical talent, and SHINE on our online stage! Prizes will be awarded in each grade level. There will also be an overall Best in Show for the entry that blows our judges away!
- Families who are more serious about their child’s education including music and other robust curriculum may consider schools that incorporate such elements into the coursework. For example, online private school with K¹² International Academy includes access to music and art courses at each grade level.
To learn more about K12 online schooling click here to register for an event in your area.