Announcing the STEM Contest Winners

This year’s STEM Contest was quite a success! We received many creative inventions from students in grades K–12 displaying their scientific abilities. We invite you to view our online collection of participants and see the fantastic submissions we received this year.

If you submitted a story for your student, you should have received a participant certificate. If you missed it, you can download your certificate of participation, print it, personalize it by filling in your scientist’s name, and pin it somewhere in your home to encourage their interest in STEM.

The winners have also been chosen, and we would like to congratulate the following students:

Best in Show Max S., AZVA, Can a machine detect a scorpion?
Kindergarten Michael C., SCVCS, Alert Fever Strips
1st Grade Electra B., iCademy, Effetik Denetik
2nd Grade Emily P., K12 Independent Courses, Nutritional SnakHat
3rd Grade Hannah C., COVA, Cooking for kids
4th Grade Akaiah A., Oregon School District Online, LEGO NOTES
5th Grade Tessa P., WIVA, Solar Paneled Roofing Materials
6th Grade Max G., ARVA, Forget-Med-Not
7th Grade Jordan J., SCVCS, Oil Spill Emergency Clean Up 7th grade oil_spill
8th Grade Ian M., GCA, Creating an Internal Bone Cast for Rapid Healing
9th Grade Luann J., iQ Kansas, The Preliminary Lie Detector Glasses 9th Grade glassesposter
10th Grade Therese C., CAVA @ LA, How Fun Can Astronomy Be in Under 2 Minutes?
11th Grade Michael P., Vernon B., Owen H., Silicon Valley Flex, Visual Simulation Helmet

We thank all of our winners and participants for celebrating STEM with us this year. We look forward to what 2015-2016’s contest will bring.

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