Student Success Stories: The Leukemia Slayer

Online learning, sometimes referred to as homeschool, has led to student success for thousands of familiesThis series, Student Success Stories, features highlights from What’s your Story?, a site that’s home to real stories from real students about how their lives have changed because of individualized, online education through K12 programs.

Jacob was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on December 2, 2010, when he was 9 years old. Throughout his chemotherapy, he was very sick and was required to stay in the hospital causing him to miss most of his 4th grade year at brick & mortar school. He gave it his all in 5th and 6th grades, but ‘a cancer kid getting sick is not the same as a healthy kid getting sick.’ A fever requires trips to the emergency room, and low blood counts requires IVs.

For his 7th grade year, Jacob and his parents decided to try K12’s California Virtual Academies. Jacob still has days where he is tired, and he often feels sick, but with online learning, he is able to achieve his student success at the Leukemia Slayer. He stays on track with his education by resting when he needs to, and catching up when he’s feeling good or even at the hospital.

Read more about Jacob‘s online learning experience and his student success at What’s Your Story, our online story teller. Be sure to share your online learning success story, and inspire others.

Take the self assessment quiz to see if online learning is right for your family.

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