Insta-Thanks for Great Teachers

Teacher Appreciation Week begins May 5. K12, the leader in providing online education for thousands of students, is gearing up now for this special time to honor and thank great teachers and educators for all they do.

Many of us have special memories of a teacher, or, if you’re lucky, a group of teachers that really leave their mark on our childhood.

Teachers inspire us, put their faith in us, make us feel special, and, with their support, make us feel that there is nothing we can’t do.

Think about the influence and impact teachers have on the development of our children. Great teachers recognize that it’s a partnership with parents that works best. Together, we teach, help develop knowledge, and lend support and inspiration to our little ones, so they grow up having opportunities to lead a successful life.

How has a teacher (or teachers) impacted your life? Let K12 know:

  1. Follow @K12Learn on Instagram
  2. Create a 15-second Insta-VIDEO about why you appreciate your teacher! Make sure to tag @K12Learn #K12ThanksTeachers AND #TeacherAppreciationWeek

Come back on May 9 to see a video with all of the submissions, and see how teachers have touched so many of us in different ways.

For complete details and official rules, click here. Questions? E-mail

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