Yesterday, we covered What Is Pi? Now to do something with it.
Not only is March 14th Pi Day, it’s also Albert Einstein’s birthday. With that in mind, Princeton Tour Company sponsors a Pi Day Video Contest. “All content must include celebration of Pi & Einstein’s Birthday and run less than 3.14 minutes. Winning school or individual age 13yrs and younger compete to win $314.159!”
This year, Instructables is holding a Pi Day Pie Contest. For this contest, Instructables says, “we want to see all your best pie recipes because pie is the best way to celebrate. We’re giving away two grand prizes: one for best pie recipe and one for best Pi-themed decoration.”
Many schools will have contests on Pi Day to see how many digits of pi students can remember. You could have a contest within your school, class, or even your family. For your reference, here are One Million Digits of Pi. Happy memorizing!
Local science museums, schools, bakeries, and libraries often hold Pi Day events, including pie baking, pie eating, and pie throwing contests, “Pi k” races (3.14 miles), and more. Check your local event calendar to see what Pi Day activities are planned in your community.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post with Pi Day activities you can do at home.