When looking into online learning for their children, some parents are concerned that their kids will lack opportunities for socialization. They imagine their children lacking friends and involvement in school clubs.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, for students in K12 online schools, it isn’t that way at all.
There are many dynamic social programs within the K12 network that include more than 130,000 students worldwide. K12 places a high priority on these programs because they’re crucial to overall student success. Experts have found that a lack of positive socialization opportunities can affect some children’s academic performance. It’s also possible students who cannot relate to their peers may be shunned and are at a higher risk of developing self-esteem issues or apathy about school. Also, skills such as conflict resolution, understanding and forming positive social interactions, respect for people and their ideas, taking turns, and taking responsibility for their own actions can all be honed through positive socialization opportunities.
Now, in addition to National Student Clubs, K12 offers SO RAD (Summer Online Really Awesome Discoveries) sessions. These sessions are free for K12 families, and are a great way to get and stay connected to your school community this summer. The virtual camps are one hour long, and are scheduled from June through the first of September. From robotics and film making to fitness fun and crafts, there really is something for everyone—so get ready to make new friends, have fun, and explore interesting topics!
Learn more about these SO RAD sessions by reading about our online club leaders:
Camille F. is a high school public speaking teacher at Texas Virtual Academy and Texas Online Preparatory School, and led the College 101 and Career 101 clubs last year. Now, she’s leading the Predict Your Success SO RAD session to help students become more aware of the indicators of success, and what gifts and talents they have that can determine their future. Camille believes that students can be much more positive about their future by changing their way of thinking, which is exactly what she did in her own life. She knew she had a passion for performing, and went to college to be a professional opera singer. When health issues that included a diagnosis of lupus stalled her opera career, she took advantage of an opportunity to be a substitute teacher. She soon discovered that she was now performing for seven audiences a day, so her dreams of performing had simply taken a different form. Her new career became an alternate route on her road to success.
Cayla B. is an 11th grade student and member of the leadership program at Oregon Virtual Academy. Through the program, Cayla helps with school assemblies, outings, graduation, prom, and was asked to host four SO RAD sessions for students in grades K–3 this summer. She will be leading Let’s Make Music where they’ll create instruments out of household items, Corner Monster Bookmarks where book lovers will craft creative page savers, How Sound Is Made where they’ll explore sound and music through simple experiments with household items, and Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets where students will craft characters to put on a finger puppet play for their family. Cayla has been a pianist for more than ten years and enjoys art journaling, so she’s a perfect fit to lead these Summer Online Really Awesome Discoveries.
Mary-Kate B. is a tenth grader at Georgia Cyber Academy and—in addition to leading her own dance club, and being an active member in the beta, photography, peer leadership, student council, and art clubs (just to name a few!)—she is now hosting four SO RAD sessions for students in grades K–3 this summer. These sessions include: Fun and Easy Bottle Cap Bug Crafts where they’ll craft bugs out of plastic bottle caps and spoons to decorate with, Experience America’s Amusement Parks where they’ll discover some of the behind the scenes working of theme parks around the nation, Summer Cooking Made Fun where she’ll share greats tips and tricks on how to enjoy time in the kitchen cooking some summer treats, and Get Up and Dance where they’ll celebrate National Dance Day with an exciting hour of dance moves and choreography that will get you up and moving. She applied to be a SO RAD leader and was one of five lucky students who were chosen. She “can’t wait to work with students again this summer, and have a SO RAD time with them!”
Roger G. has been teaching science for eight years at Ohio Virtual Academy, and is leading the Film Making: Your Phone is a Movie Studio, Every Picture Tells a Story, Slice and Dice—Creative Editing, and Go Viral! SO RAD sessions this summer. He has 30 years of experience in television and video production so, during virtual club meetings, he’ll teach students how to create short films, and how to use lighting, sound, cinematography, editing, and special effects. “Campers” will be given assignments, such as telling a story in three shots, to build their skills. There will also be guest speakers who will share their experiences and give advice for real-life scenarios.
The leaders agree that these club options give students the opportunity to expand their education beyond traditional classes and allow students to be creative, collaborate and have fun.
Are you eligible to join a club?
Clubs are available for full-time K12 students, and Independent Study Program Families are also able to join! Log in to the Online School and view the full schedule, including camp links, under the “summer camps” announcement.
Related Links
- 10 Ways to Socialize Your Children in an Online School
- Tim Tebow, Homeschooling, Socialization, and K12
- Virtual Kids’ Clubs Offer Social Opportunities for Online Students
- Kids’ Opinions on Student Engagement