Today marks the first ever White House Maker Faire as well as a nationwide “Day of Making.” The White House Maker Faire is part of the Maker Movement, which has grown over several years as more people discover the joys of tinkering, inventing, creating, and building. Maker Faires large and small take place nationwide, but today’s event promises to be one of the biggest, a national celebration of inventors and innovators young and old.
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The White House Maker Faire was announced in February with the help of Joey Hudy (pictured above) whose marshmallow cannon famously impressed President Obama at the 2012 White House Science Fair. Of the Faire, Joey said: “This Maker Faire will help more schools and the world understand how important science technology and engineering education (STEM) is. … The maker movement is the future.”
Today’s events also fall in line with President Obama’s call for Americans to be “makers of things, not just consumers of things.” By encouraging kids from an early age to build and create, we’re preparing them for their future in a job market that places increasing importance on STEM-related skills. Of course, while there are real benefits to DIY projects, let’s not forget that they’re also just plain fun!
Want to get involved?
- Follow along with today’s events at
- Participate on Facebook or Twitter with #NationofMakers
- Share photos of your own creations on social media
- Encourage your kids to be makers by creating something together today. Check out our posts on great sources for DIY inspiration here and here, or try our Making and Crafting Pinterest board
- Find a Maker Faire near you and make plans to attend
- Join the conversation. Leave a comment and tell us what you think about the Maker Movement. How do you encourage your kids to be makers?