Online learning, sometimes referred to as homeschool, has led to student success for thousands of families. This series, Student Success Stories, features highlights from What’s your Story?, a site that’s home to real stories from real students about how their lives have changed because of individualized, online education through K12 programs.
To celebrate back to school season, we launched our What’s your Story? Mission: Possible contest to learn what goals students and families were setting for the 2014-15 school year, and how education will help in reaching them. The stories were inspiring, and whether your student attends a traditional brick-and-mortar school, online school, or homeschool, we hope setting goals, and reading others’ stories helped to replace back-to-school nerves with excitement.
The winner has been chosen, and we want to congratulate Christian L. of K12‘s California Virtual Academies who has received a Microsoft Surface Pro™ with accessories!
Christian started attending CAVA in 2nd grade, and says he was “interested for a few reasons, not just because of the snack privileges. For one thing, [he] loved the curriculum. The textbooks were always great to use, and [he] learned a lot just by reading them. [His] family also traveled quite a bit, so it was nice to be able to take [his] school with [him]. Finally, [he] loved being able to adjust [his] school schedule if something important came up.”
Throughout his 10 years with the program, Christian has had the opportunity to explore what he wants to be when he grows up. He has taken a multitude of extracurricular courses, and come up with a few ideas, but has discovered that it is more important to know what kind of life he wants to live. Christian’s goal for this school year, and years to come is to be “that guy.” The guy who does “everything in a different way than everyone else,” that “cares about his grades,” and “cares about having the most possible amount of fun with his work.”
Christian has already achieved that goal by submitting a video different from all others, showcasing the appreciation he has for online school, and his ability to have fun with any assignment he encounters. At first, he wasn’t sure what his entry would entail, but knew it wouldn’t be an ordinary essay. He says he “wanted to make a masterpiece – a thrilling, adventure-packed video with the perfect mixture of humor and drama.” He continues, saying that he “started by painting a picture of a stereotype, and it slowly morphed into a reflection of my own personality.”
Congratulations, again, Christian. And, thank you to all participants for sharing your stories. We recognize that each student’s success is unique and all of the shared stories reflect just that. We are honored to be a part in shaping future generations.
Even though the contest is over, you can still read real stories from real students and families, and submit your own story about how K12 and online learning helped change your family’s life!