You may be wondering what summer camps are available in your area. So we’ve compiled a list of some great resources where you can browse different types of summer camps in your area.
The YMCA has locations all over the country and often more than one facility. The Y offers a variety of both day time, and overnight camps for all ages, as well as programs to get certificates such as lifeguard or even scuba diving.
The US Sports camp is an organization run by NIKE. They have a variety of camps all over the country and even some that are international. Most camps focus on a particular sport however, in some areas thereare camps that take a multi-sport approach.
Kids Camps does a great job of aggregating and cataloging camps. You can search by state, age, and day vs. overnight. The nice thing about this resource is you can also search by interest; with categories ranging from baseball and lacrosse to psychology and aviation.
A great resource for any teen who would like to get a jump start on college. Many of these programs offer college credits, and at the very least will give a student something to include as an experience on their college essay. This site also encourages participants to leave reviews of the camps they attended. One drawback with this site’s design is navigation. It is easy to sort camps by interest or theme, while sorting by age or location can be difficult.
Another great resource that aggregates many options into one easy to use site. This is a great tool for finding information on camps by searching what is available in your state. Find reviews from other camp-goers, or leave one of your own. Several of the sites do not link externally from the main site, so you may need to do a quick search to find the camp’s home page.
This site is great for finding day camps in your area, as well as making it easy to add camps that you have attended in the past. Your best bet is to use this site as a tool for finding camps, but doing your own web search once you’ve found one you are interested in. The site is a little dated, and some of the entries only have an address. If you are looking for overnight camps you can visit their partner site My Summer Camps.
A site that is quick and easy. Search the state you are in or the activity you would like to participate in, and quickly access the camp’s homepage.
Boy & Girl Scouts
The Scouts offer many opportunities over the summer, with many outdoor activities and camps to build character and gain experience. Check with your local Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to see what events are available in your area.
If you have any other resources be sure to include them in the comments!