Back to School: A First Day to Remember

For some parents, getting back-to-school ready can be somewhat stressful. Rather than letting the stress get to you, make sure you’re ready on the first day of school, and let the rest of the school year be filled with good memories and traditions.

We’ve compiled the following suggestions for getting ready on the first day of school for online and homeschooling families as well as all those in traditional brick-and-mortar schools:

B2S_ImportanceOfFirstDayTraditions The Importance of
First-Day Traditions
B2S_HowToMakeFirstDaySpecial Make the First Day of
Homeschool Special
B2S_EasingAnxiety Coping with Student Stress and Anxiety  B2S_aParentsPerspective_FirstDaySchoolNervesA Parent’s Perspective on First Day of School Nerves

Check out all our back-to-school posts with more tips on how to keep it simple this season. Share them with your friends, whether they are online schooling, homeschooling, or attending a brick-and-mortar school, we’re in this together!

Make sure to keep us informed about how your first day, week, and entire school year are going, too. Share your stories with us in the comment section below, comment on our Facebook page, or email us at if you’d like to share more of your educational journey in a blog post.

This article was updated August 2015

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