Having family traditions is a great way to bring a family together. These moments help create great memories and bonding opportunities. As a parent, I strive to create traditions that will not only demonstrate unconditional love but will also show my kids how to be better people.
Fall kicks off a season of celebrations and holidays. During this time, it’s important to teach children the importance of giving back and gratitude while also building strong bonds as a family unit. There are many ways a family can turn their fall traditions such as going to the pumpkin patch or baking apple pie into a tradition that encompasses more people who need a little pick-me-up during the fall season.
- Play a football game as a family and invite kids from your local Boys and Girls Club to join in on the fun. The Boys and Girls Club provides a safe place for children to learn and grow. The organization helps build ongoing relationships with dedicated adult professionals through their programs and experiences. Everyone will enjoy spending time together, and your children will be able to spread joy.
- Go apple picking and make goodies to share with family and friends. Cooking is a great way to spread cheer among loved ones. Whether you’re baking an apple pie or making cider, your thoughtfulness could be a real game changer in someone’s day. Ask your children who they would like to gift a special apple treat to.
- Deliver socks, blankets, coats, gloves, and food to a local homeless shelter. It’s important to teach your children that everyone is not as fortunate as they may be. Allow them to go shopping with you to pick out the essentials to deliver to the shelter. Shopping together for items that are often taken for granted will help put things into perspective.
- Start a “giving jar” to collect spare change. Save the entire year and then do something nice for a needy family during the fall and winter months. This is a great way to teach gratitude all year long. If you have an ambitious child or family, consider starting a business page and have all proceeds go to charity. There are several great tools to help build social media followings that can be essential to getting your word out there. This is another way to increase proceeds for the giving jar.
- Put together good-night bags to help children spending time at homeless or crisis centers feel more secure. These bags can include a stuffed animal, books, flashlight, and other items that will be comforting for kids. Allow your children to help you pick out the stuffed animals and/or books. Many shelters see an influx of needy families during the fall months because of the colder temperatures.
- Enter a 5K to run as a family. Set time throughout the week and work together to train for the event. Explain to your children the cause that you will be running for and how the profits will impact others.
- Support local farmers’ markets by picking your produce at their local stands and farms. Many farmers sell their seasonal produce during the fall months. This is a great time to educate your children on the hard work that goes into growing foods that they eat on a daily basis. It’s also great to purchase these products from local farmers.
- Rake the leaves in a neighbor’s yard. Feel free to make it fun for the kids by allowing them to jump into the pile, taking pictures, and grabbing a few leaves to create fun fall crafts. Your neighbor will be very appreciative of your efforts, and this is a great way to teach children the value of helping out others.
- You’ve heard of spring cleaning, but your family can partake in fall cleaning as well. Use the autumn season as a reminder to go through toys and clothing. Once your family has identified what they no longer want, those items can be donated to others in need.
- Volunteer at a local nursing home or assisted-living facility. Some organizations run an adopt-a-grandparent program. Check to see what options are available. During the holidays, many elders are forgotten due to their family living far away. Kicking off the fall season with regular visitations is a great way to get elders into better spirits just in time for the holiday season.