How to Save Money on Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. You may have heard crazy stories about shoppers and the frenzy that accompanies shopping at the wee hours of the night or morning, but not all experiences have to be as chaotic. In fact, you can save a hefty amount without doing too much work.

Follow a Black Friday Website

There are a number of Black-Friday-saving sites that post buying guides with insight on the latest technology, toys, and cookware. These websites receive intel from major department stores on what they’ll be advertising on Black Friday before it’s officially released. This information allows customers to prepare their shopping lists beforehand so they can get the best deal. You can follow these sites through your social media channels because they post alerts via Facebook and Twitter, too. One of the best Black Friday websites to consider is BFADS.

Research the Prices

If you’re purchasing a big-ticket item, like a TV or game console, take the time to research prices. Sometimes Black Friday prices are not always the cheapest prices available. A lot of stores have “Better than Black Friday” sales prior to Black Friday. What many people also don’t know is that many department stores will price match those prices. For example, if Amazon has an item for a cheaper price than Target, go to the customer service desk at Target, they’ll pull up the item on Amazon’s website and match the price.

Make a List

As you look at the different prices on the Black Friday website and on the store ads, make a list of items you’re interested in purchasing. This will help you narrow down your shopping list and help you stay within your budget. As you make your list, take note of the stores’ hours. You’ll want to adjust your shopping excursion based on when the stores open to further prioritize your list and plan out what stores you’ll go to first.

Online Shopping

Check out the circulars to see if the Black Friday prices are offered online. If you can avoid the long lines and crowds, take advantage of it and purchase the items online. If you’re purchasing a bulky item, such as discount area rugs online shopping may be the best route.


It probably sounds silly, but keep in mind that there are going to be a lot of people shopping. In some situations, you may not find a shopping cart and, even if you do, trying to maneuver down the aisles is difficult with a cart in tow. Bring reusable shopping bags with you. You’ll want to use the bags to hold items as you shop so that your hands will be free. Plus some stores offer additional savings for using your own bags.

Coupons and Gift Cards

Go online and check out what coupons are available. Double check your wallet and see what unused gift cards you may have on hand. Coupons and gift cards are a great way to add some additional savings to your total. When I first started using coupons, I was surprised to see how many toy coupons were available.

Shop in a Group

Going shopping with a group of friends and/or family is a great way to knock out shopping in a short amount of time. Shopping in groups can help everyone get all of the items on their shopping list because the group can split up and help each other.

Black Friday can be overwhelming but, if you use the tips we’ve shared, you’ll find that it can be a great opportunity to save big!

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